Wednesday 22 June 2022

Am I a man? Yes, technically I am.

Hi, there. If you get the cultural reference of the title above, we're already on the same page, so that's good. If you don't, that's OK too (it's from a Flight of the Conchords song).

So a bit about myself: I've worked as a copywriter and quality controller for more years than I would have liked and I regularly contribute to a number of podcasts, such as 'Adrift' and 'The Jason Manford Show'.

My symptoms of multiple sclerosis first started appearing in 2002 and MS of course continues to be a pain in the arse, but I'm still walking and clinging to the coattails of a positive attitude.

I love books, music, history, popular culture and football.

I live in West Yorkshire with my wife and son, though he'll soon be off to uni.

What more do you want to know? If you read my book, Balls to MS: 20 Years of Discovering Your Body Hates You, you'll feel like you know me inside out by the end. So I would suggest doing that. It's been getting a very good reaction from readers (see the reviews on Amazon).

As well as exploring this website, you can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

T: @andy_reynard

I: @balls_to_ms

F: Balls to MS

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